
Snakebite Community Empowerment and Research Project

Team Lead

Austin Adobasom-Anane

Affiliated Institution

College of Health, YAMFO

Region of Focus

Ahafo Region

Country of Focus



This project in Ghana seeks to empower and engage communities through the implementation of an awareness creation campaign on snakebite prevention, appropriate recommended first aid following a snakebite and a community based epidemiological survey to ascertain the snakebite situation in the Ahafo region of Ghana.  The project is in line with the first strategic objective of the World Health Organisation (WHO) global strategic for Snakebite envenoming prevention and control before 2030 that aims to empower and engage the community to better deal with the problem of snakebite.

This study is expected to be a baseline to help inform and usher in other snakebite interventions, research and advocacy.  The aim of this project is to gather credible community-based epidemiological data, engage and empower the community members on snake bite prevention through an awareness creation campaign.


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